What’s the difference between a will and a trust?

Many estate plans have both a will and a trust - and even multiple trusts. Some people think if you have a will, you don’t need a trust. Every person should have a will to protect their loved ones after they are gone. But every person’s situation is not the same, and different people need different legal documents to meet their goals. Wills and Trusts - which one is better for you?


Does a prenup have priority over a will in Georgia?

Georgia courts recognize the validity of both legally executed prenuptial agreements and wills. Creating both a prenuptial agreement before your marriage then executing or updating a will after your marriage is the best way to safeguard your loved ones.

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Should you call a lawyer after a car accident?

It's never too soon to call a lawyer after a car accident. If you suffer an injury or serious damage in a car accident, you have to deal with the stress of the accident but you will also incur stress in dealing with the insurance company.

Insurance companies have lawyers on their team - and you should have a personal injury attorney on your team too.

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What Is Adult Guardianship?

Georgia courts can grant guardianship for an adult who lacks sufficient capacity to make responsible decisions concerning their own health or safety,


Am I Too Young To Need An Estate Plan?

If you’re over the age of 18, you probably have assets that need to be managed in the event you unexpectedly die.

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I Don’t Need A Will: Won’t My Children Inherit Everything?

If you die without a will in Georgia, the state’s intestate laws will determine who inherits your property.

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