National Estate Planning Awareness Week

National Estate Planning Awareness Week  _ Estate Planning Attorney Jammie Taire _ SmithTaire Legal  .png

Did you know that National Estate Planning Awareness Week is October 19-25, 2020? Coincidentally, estate planning is often forgotten. Over 50% of Americans do not have an up-to-date estate plan! An estate plan is an important tool to protect your family and loved ones when the inevitable happens. A common fallacy is that you only need an estate plan if you are wealthy or have considerable assets. In fact, all adults need an estate plan. For parents (especially blended families) an estate plan is a crucial tool to communicate your final wishes for your children, to protect your children’s assets and to appoint someone to care for your children in the event you are unable to care for them. 

If you die without a will or other estate plan documents in Georgia, that is called intestate. When you die intestate, the state laws determine who will inherit your assets depending on whether you have a spouse, children or other living relatives. Even if you are separated, your spouse will inherit your assets if you die without a will! 

7 Reasons Someone Doesn't Have An Estate Plan 

1. Only the wealthy need an estate plan - and I am not wealthy!

2. I'm too young to need an estate plan - I'm not married and I don't have any children.

3. Making an estate plan is too expensive - I can't afford an attorney!

4. I'm too busy, I don't have time to make a will now. 

5. My children automatically inherit everything when I die.

6. I don't want to jinx myself by creating a will.

7. I don't know where to start - I know I should have a will, but it's too complicated!

If you have an estate plan, but your will or trust hasn’t been updated in a long time, or you’ve had major life changes such as births, deaths or a divorce, or moved to another state, it’s time to consult a lawyer to update your estate plan. 

About SmithTaire Legal 
Your Trusted Legal Partner in Georgia

When searching for a reliable attorney that can help you with estate planning, probate, and personal injury cases, turn to SmithTaire Legal in Lawrenceville, Georgia. Our firm will ensure that you are properly represented and educated. Applying compassion, experience, and resourcefulness to every case we undertake, we are dedicated to your future success. We create a unique experience for each of our clients. 

If you need help with creating an estate to protect your loved ones after you are gone, contact your trusted legal partner, the team at SmithTaire Legal. Our virtual office is open and we can help you via telephone, email, FaceTime, Zoom, DocuSign and other tools. 

Schedule an appointment with us today at 678-253-8133 to discuss your situation. 


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