How to Avoid Fireworks Injuries This Summer

How to Avoid Fireworks Injuries This Summer Celebrate Safely!.jpeg

Summer is closing in on us, and with more and more individuals getting vaccinated, we’ll see a lot of people daring to come out for celebrations. Whether they want to celebrate the 4th of July or simply want to enjoy a nice post-lockdown summer evening, fireworks are often caught in the mix. And for the post-COVID fireworks to be properly enjoyed, you might want to learn how to stay away from injury. Fireworks death and injuries increased by 50% in 2020 according to a new report from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.

Are Fireworks Legal in Georgia?

Yes, as of 2015, fireworks are legal in Georgia. Before that, you could only use the “novelty” kind – but after that, many types of consumer fireworks were made legal. With that in mind, there are still certain fireworks safety rules that you should follow, along with legal restrictions on when and where you can set off the fireworks.  

How Can You Avoid Fireworks Accidents?

Most fireworks packages come with their own safety instructions that you should follow. However, here are some extra tips for you to avoid some common injuries: 

  • Do not lean over the fireworks after you light the fuse. Back away to a safe distance just as soon as you light it.

  • If you notice unexploded fireworks, don’t try to light them a second time. Throw them away after soaking them with some water.

  • Do not point the fireworks at other people.

  • Whenever you are lighting fireworks, make sure you always have a bucket of water or garden hose nearby.

  • Don’t set off homemade fireworks.

  • Only use fireworks outdoors.

Be careful at all times when handling fireworks, and always keep a safe distance.

What Should You Do If You Get Injured by Fireworks?

The course of action that you take if you get injured by fireworks will often depend on the nature of the injury. Did you injure yourself, or did someone else injure you? Here’s is how you approach fireworks injuries. 

1. Firewords That You Set Off

The first thing you should do is treat the wound. If it’s just a small one, you can treat it by cleaning it with cool water and then cover it with a sterile, moist dressing. Bigger injuries (those bigger than your palm) and eye injuries might require medical attention. If it was caused by a malfunction that had nothing to do with you, you might want to contact an attorney to discuss your options. 

2. Fireworks That Someone Else Sets Off

If someone else sets off the fireworks and you get injured, immediately get first aid. Check the injuries and get treatment. In some cases, you may want to seek professional medical treatment. Depending on the severity of the injury, consulting an attorney may be advisable.

Should You Call a Lawyer If You Are Injured By Fireworks?

If you believe that the firework injury was a result of negligence – either because of negligence by the company that made the fireworks or negligence by the person who lit them – then you might want to consult a lawyer. They will explain your options and the personal injury laws, and can help you file a claim to receive compensation for your injury – because let’s face it, medical bills are very expensive., you may have lost time from work and

Fireworks injuries should be treated right away before you consult a personal injury attorney. Once any potential wounds are treated and you are out of immediate danger, you may want to get legal representation to get justice.

Gwinnett County Personal Injury Attorney Jammie Taire

A fireworks injury can cost you money, loss of time at work, medical bills, stress and other complications. You should have a personal injury attorney help you with your claim so you receive fair compensation. We can help you navigate complicated and confusing personal injury lawsuits. SmithTaire Legal will fight to get you justice and the compensation you deserve.

If you or someone you suffer a fireworks injury or other type of injury, please contact your trusted legal partner, the team at SmithTaire Legal. Schedule an appointment with us today or call us at 678-253-8133 to discuss your situation. 


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