FAQs About the Hands-Free Georgia Act

FAQs About the Hands-Free Georgia Act   Estate Planning Attorney Jammie Taire  SmithTaire Legal  .png

What is the Hands-Free Georgia Act - and what does it mean if you’re involved in a car accident? Many people wonder what the law means and how they can make sure that they are following the rules, plus what to do if you or a family member are involved in a hands-free driving legal case. Here are some frequently asked questions about the law and how using technology while driving affects you.

What Is the Hands-Free Georgia Act?

Passed on July 1, 2018, the Hands-Free Georgia Act is intended to make sure drivers on roads in Georgia are not using their cell phones or similar technology devices while they are driving. This means that no driver in Georgia is allowed to use or even touch their electronic devices while behind the wheel. This includes:

  • Writing or sending text messages

  • Reading texts or other messages

  • Recording or watching videos

  • Browsing or using the internet

  • Posting or accessing social media

The law does not include listening to music or other programming from your device while on the road as long as that listening does not require you to physically interact with your device at any time. Programming a GPS or using your phone in a voice-to-text fashion is allowed. You are also allowed to make phone calls if necessary for reporting accidents, crimes, or emergencies. 

It does apply to using your electronic devices while you are stopped at a stoplight or stop sign. This means that while you are allowed to use your device while legally parked, you are not allowed to use it while temporarily stopped on a roadway while the brake is not set.

Why Was This Law Implemented?

The reason for the Hands-Free Georgia law is primarily the increased number of accidents that Georgia saw involving the use of cell phones, especially by those between the ages of 15 and 25. An increase in rear-end collisions led the state to pass the ban in order to make sure that these drivers and others were paying more attention while driving and therefore reduce the number of accidents. 

Upon passing this law Georgia saw a dramatic downshift in the number of accidents and fatalities that occurred. In fact, this occurred within just the first two years of passing the law. 

What is the Penalty for Violation of the Hands-Free Act?

If you violate the new Hands-Free Act there are a number of different potential penalties that all depend on the severity of the violation as well as the number of times you have violated it. These include:

  • First offense: 1 point on your license and a $50 fine

  • Second offense: 2 points on your license and a $100 fine

  • Third offense: 3 points on your license and a $150 fine

  • Multiple offenses in 24 months: fines of $300+ and/or license suspended

How is Georgia’s Previous Texting and Driving Law Different From Georgia’s New Hands-Free Law?

Georgia had a no texting and driving law in effect before the Hands-Free Act which prohibited distracted driving. This was primarily intended to ban reading, writing or sending text messages while driving as well as keep those under 18 from using any type of wireless device while driving. 

What Should I Do if I am Hit by a Driver Who is Using a Device While Driving?

If you are hit by a driver who was using their device while driving you should contact a personal injury attorney to find out about your legal options and protections. You may be entitled to damages, such as damage to your vehicle or personal property, and medical expenses.

Personal Injury Attorney Jammie Taire  

A car accident injury can cost you money, loss of time at work, medical bills, stress and other complications. You should have a personal injury attorney help you with your claim so you receive fair compensation. We can help you navigate complicated and confusing personal injury lawsuits. SmithTaire Legal will fight to get you justice and the compensation you deserve. We work with other attorneys to be sure you have a team working for you!

If you or someone you love has been hurt in a car accident or slip and fall, please contact your trusted legal partner, the team at SmithTaire Legal. Schedule an appointment with us today at 678-253-8133 to discuss your situation. 


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